CPPCC Chairman Meeting of Binjiang District to Inspect the Deep Development Work of Maker Spaces
ReleaseDate: 2016-08-15 11:16:50 ArticleHits:

On 21 Jul., CPPCC Chairman Meeting of Binjiang District was held to inspect the deep development work of maker space. CPPCC Chairman of Binjiang District Shen Kongliang, Vice Chairman Xia Fuzhi, Mao Jin and Yu Jingyi attended the meeting; Xie Jiansheng (Member of District Standing Committee and Deputy District Mayor) took part in the meeting.

The inspection team visited numerous maker spaces like Wangdao Incubator, 3W Café located at Inno Ave, Aspiration & Interest and Innocosmos, listened to responsible persons’ introduction about relevant situations, and knew about development situations of maker spaces and existing problems. Till now, there have been 38 maker spaces in the whole district, in which 12 of them are city-level maker spaces and 5 of them are brought into national high-tech business incubator management system. The scale of various funds introduced reaches 13.786 billion Yuan; there are 241 maker groups and enterprises under incubation, and 121 maker groups and enterprises are incubated.

At the follow-up forum, Shen Kongliang listened to relevant work reports, and affirmed the staged achievements gained by maker spaces. He pointed out that incubator and maker space was the key job of implementing innovation-driven development strategy in our district as well as an important index in national high-tech zone evaluation system. During recent years, our district has positively created a good state for innovation and entrepreneurship, characterized by marketization of innovation services, popularization of entrepreneurship subjects, opening of entrepreneurship resources, and capitalization of venture capital investment. An important novel force is formed to incubate and cultivate scientific and technological enterprises and entrepreneurs. He emphasized that the incubation and cultivation of small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises should be deeply developed in the next step, and industry development must be advanced by combining our own advantages. A paradise of “public entrepreneurship and mass innovation” in Binjiang should be created by setting up platforms, establishing brands, optimizing services, strengthening capitals, introducing policies, retaining talents and cultivating culture.

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Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统