The 4th NPC Standing Committee of Binjiang District Held the 38th Meeting
ReleaseDate: 2016-08-15 11:17:53 ArticleHits:

On 22 Jul., the 4th NPC Standing Committee of Binjiang District held the 38th Meeting. Han Jianzhong (Director of NPC Standing Committee of Binjiang District), Zhao Wanneng (Deputy Director), Yuan Ruxiang, Ding Naijiang, Ding Youfang, Bao Jiaying and relevant committee members attended this meeting. Lan Bin (Deputy District Mayor), Chi Haijiang (President of Binjiang People’s Court), and Chen Pingxiang (Chief Procurator of Binjiang People’s Procuratorate) attended this meeting as non-voting attendees.

The meeting listened to and deliberated on reports of the district government about implementation situations of the three-year action plan of water pollution control, and listened to investigation reports of Urban Construction Environmental Protection Committee of NPC Standing Committee about implementation situations of the three-year action plan of water pollution control. Participants discussed work for water pollution control in the whole district, the performance gained, and the existing problems.

This NPC Standing Committee has always listed water environment treatment as key supervision content. Through the form of “combination blow” about water treatment supervision covering organization of observation, resolution making at the meeting and public and private investigation of representatives, it has continuously advanced the work of water environment treatment in the whole district. The water treatment effect of clean water and green banks as well as clear water around the city is realized preliminarily. By directing at contradictory issues including sewage discharge, sewage pipe pavement and infrastructure construction in water environment treatment, the meeting required us to solve “unification” problem of water treatment, “retaining” problem of sewage, “discharge” problem of sewage, “dredging” problem of river way, and “management” problem of water cleaning and pollution control.

The meeting emphasized that the district government and its functional departments should stay true to the mission and keep firm confidence in water environment treatment. Binjiang is famous for water, located beside water, and developed owing to water. Therefore, water cleaning and pollution control and “treatment for five kinds of edema” should be promoted to the height of improving ecological environment, constructing beautiful Binjiang and promoting the masses’ living quality. Moreover, we should stick to the target, and fight “three battles” including tough battle, consolidation battle and persistent battle. In addition, we need to concentrate on key projects and projects under construction, overcome the difficulties, and accelerate the construction. The long-effect management mechanism should be strengthened for projects completed, normalized management must be implemented, and bounce needs to be prevented. Besides, brand advantages of informative industry in Binjiang should be expressed and the construction of intelligent river way must be reinforced. “River chief system” needs to be strictly implemented, responsibilities should be clarified, supervision must be strengthened, and management achievements should be deepened.

The meeting deliberated on and decided appointment and dismissal matters of relevant personnel, and held a constitutional oath-taking ceremony. Before the meeting, participants listened to the special lecture of sponge city construction.

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Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统