The District Education System Solemnly Held the Grand Commendation Conference of the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and “July 1”
ReleaseDate: 2016-08-15 10:31:44 ArticleHits:


In the afternoon of 1 Jul., the education system of Binjiang District solemnly held the Grand Commendation Conference of the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and “July 1” in Gaoxin Experimental School. Qu Ye (Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Binjiang District) and Chen Weiyu (Leader of the Second Discipline Inspection Group of District Discipline Inspection Commission) attended the meeting on invitation. Moreover, more than 800 people including all party members and non-party principals (kindergarten leaders) in the education system participated in the meeting. Yu Wenhua (Member of Party Committee and Deputy Director General of Education Bureau) presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Qu Ye fully approved the performance gained by the education system in recent years, and meanwhile put forward three suggestions to further strengthen and improve party construction of the education system. Firstly, the new cognition about party construction of the education system should be practically improved. Secondly, key tasks in party construction of the education system must be accurately grasped. Thirdly, the comprehensive implementation for party construction of the education system needs to be advanced firmly.

Chen Yutang (Secretary of Party Committee and Director of District Education Bureau) made a speech at the meeting. He reviewed the major jobs since the implementation of five-year action plan of education vitalization. Besides, he pointed out that our educational business realized great-stride development and made a long-term progress under the joint efforts of all faculty members in the education system. Meanwhile, Chen Yutang indicated that educational development in our district still had a gap and challenge according to the internal and external comparison. In the external aspect, economic development does not match urbanization course in our district, and there is a great gap with regions of advanced education. In the internal aspect, a balance is not realized among preschool education, compulsory education and community adult education. The imbalance problem also exists in the internal aspect of various fields. There is still a lack of preschool education and compulsory education resources.

Chen Yutang emphasized that Party Committee of our education system had 46 primary party organizations and nearly 1,000 party members; primary party construction was directly related to the work of primary party building in the whole district. He required various primary party organizations to grasp construction of teaching staff as party members by centering on the opportunity of “Two Studies, One Action”. They need to provide a strong idea, organization and style guarantee for the comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development of educational business in the whole district. Firstly, learning should be reinforced and efforts must be made in the improvement of ideological and theoretical accomplishments. Various primary party organizations should extensively conduct study-oriented party organization activities and organize party members to learn party construction knowledge. A special emphasis must be laid on study of party theories. Secondly, the target should be intensified, and efforts must be made in continuous enhancement of creativity, attraction and cohesion for primary party organizations. Party organizations need to carry out activities of various forms, including “three meetings and one class”, meeting of democratic life, volunteer activity, and various twining and help activities. They should care for party members and try to increase the organization cohesion and attraction. Thirdly, the services should be strengthened and efforts must be made in comprehensive improvement of primary-level organization service level. Service should be set as the core of strengthening party organization construction. Party members’ service awareness should be intensified. They need to sum up the experience, realize continuous innovation of service modes, and constantly increase the level of service work. Fourthly, the discipline should be intensified, and efforts must be made in enhancement of party conduct and construction of professional ethics. The establishment of corruption punishment and prevention system should be further perfected by combining with the practical situations of education system and directing at enrollment, recruitment, maintenance, purchase and infrastructure construction fields that can breed corruption easily, so as to make relevant personnel “unwilling to corrupt”, “dare not corrupt” and “unable to corrupt”. The year of 2016 is the year of inspecting professional ethics. Education Bureau of Binjiang District will make a field visit to examine the situations in the whole district and dispose problems once they are discovered, hoping that all party members can strictly observe the base line.

At the meeting, the party vow was reviewed. Moreover, excellent party members, excellent party workers and advanced primary party organization representatives in the education system were commended, and some excellent representatives made a speech at the meeting.

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