Community Education Characteristic Brand Project Creation Activities in Binjiang District
ReleaseDate: 2018-11-06 08:19:43 ArticleHits:

A few days ago, the Binjiang District Social Education Commission Office announced that six projects such as the "wisdom classroom" in the Xinzhou community of Xixing Street were special brand projects for community education in 2018, and each feature brand project was given a certain amount of funding.
In order to promote lifelong learning for the whole people and promote learning-oriented community construction, the office of the Social and Education Commission of the district decided to start the establishment of a community education specialty brand project in 2018. Each year, it identified a number of district-level community education specialty brand projects and gradually formed a community. One product, one community multi-product "community education characteristics. Continue to enhance the service capacity of community education.
It is reported that the six district-level community education specialty brand projects identified in the district this year have been established for more than three years. The projects have community cultural characteristics, serve the public for life, have clear goals, have scientific content, have sound organizational management institutions, and have safeguards in place. There is already a certain degree of popularity and reputation in the region, and it plays a role in demonstrating radiation.

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