District education bureau held a theoretical learning center group meeting to convey the spirit of education and teaching reform conference
ReleaseDate: 2019-11-14 08:30:00 ArticleHits:

On July 16th in the afternoon, the district bureau of education, theoretical study group meetings were held to convey to study the central committee of the communist party of China under the state council "about deepening the reform of education teaching comprehensive advice to improve the quality of compulsory education" "the provincial schools at various levels and of small micro power list and managerial behavior negative list and other documents spirit, affiliated middle and above the leading cadre to attend the meeting.

Conference, secretary of the party committee, director of jiangfei to "about deepening the reform of education teaching comprehensive opinions to improve the quality of compulsory education in the six big points 24 bit conducted a careful reading, he proposed the" opinion "is the national education conference after basic education field in another blockbuster policy documents, fully embodies the attaches great importance to the development of the CPC central committee on education reform, education highlights the" plan, the plan of party of countries "important status, working for my area compulsory education provides compliance, pointed out the direction.

The meeting also conveyed the spirit of the document "list of small and micro power and negative list of school-running behaviors of schools of all levels and types in the province". To jiang fei stressed the bureau staff to improve ideological understanding, recognize the importance of "small power", the necessity; It is necessary to confirm and standardize rights scientifically, adhere to problem-oriented and process management, establish a clear and definite management mechanism of "small and micro power", and earnestly implement the system of "small and micro power" in the education system in daily work.

Come to jiang fei to do a good job the work of mechanism undertakes emphasizing: it is the style construction that strengthens bureau mechanism and cadre troop. All the staff should dare to take responsibility, should have no fear of difficulties, try to complete the task of the work momentum, to firmly establish the sense of service, service teachers, serve the masses, to achieve implementation; To establish and strengthen the sense of responsibility, when things come up, do not put off, improve work efficiency, today's business today. The second is to maintain good working conditions. Every comrade should clarify his/her duties and responsibilities, and ensure the efficient and orderly progress of all work with firm determination and pragmatic style. Third, strengthen the awareness of risk prevention against clean government. Government officials also need to do more to educate themselves, firmly uphold the bottom line of probity, and tighten the strings of probity and self-discipline at all times.

Bureau party committee member, deputy director fu tianjian on the next stage of the work layout, asked the bureau staff to strengthen sensitivity, enhance the sense of responsibility and follow the principle to do their own work.

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